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How To Know If Your Air Conditioner Is Broken?

How To Know If Your Air Conditioner Is Broken?

How To Know If Your Air Conditioner Is Broken?

No one likes to be uncomfortable inside their own home as a result of dealing with a faulty AC unit. However, if you aren’t sure whether your air conditioner is broken or in the process of breaking down, you might need a professional opinion. It can be challenging to distinguish between a cracked air conditioner and one simply running adequately. However, you can look out for a couple of things that may signify your air conditioning unit is having some issues.

The Air Coming Out Of The Vents Isn't Cold

Is the air coming out of your vents warmer than the room temperature? It could be because the thermostat is not set correctly, or there could be a problem with either your thermostat or your compressor. The easiest way to tell if it’s your thermostat is to turn off all of the systems in your home and see if they turn on again. If they do, then it’s probably just a matter of adjusting the temperature. If they don’t, it’s time to get our expert AC repair technician to check things out.

Your Home Isn't Cooling Evenly

A broken air conditioner won’t cool your home or place of business as efficiently as it should. For example, there could be an issue with your unit’s thermostat and the compressor or a leak in the ductwork. If you spot that your air conditioner isn’t cooling evenly or at all, it might be time for an AC repair or replacement.

It's Not Keeping Up With The Temperature Outside

When your AC unit works optimally, it will keep up with any temperature changes outside, no matter how fast they happen. However, if your home feels warmer than usual despite being set at its lowest, the chances are that something is wrong with your unit, especially if it’s old. Older models don’t perform as well in colder weather as newer ones, so if you live in an area known for its extreme temperatures, consider replacing yours before winter hits!

Is your AC struggling to keep your residential or office space cool? If so, it’s time to call Volpe Service Company to get your unit fixed and running up quickly.

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